Github contributions

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Cloudflare Access Plugin for Atlassian


Plugin to integrate authentication in Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket using Cloudflare Access JWT.
It would take the JWT provided by Cloudflare Access (an Identity aware proxy) and automatically match and authenticate a user in one of the Atlassian products database.
This was a project done as contractor and was actively maintained for 2 years.

Cloudflare Access Plugin for Sentry


Plugin to integrate authentication using Cloudflare Access JWT.
This was a spinoff from the Atlassian plugin, same logic and requirements but for

Colmeia HR Suite


Colmeia HR is a HR transformation suite that helps large companies manage employee data in bulk besides other features like Job catalog management and authoring. I worked with Scutera/Binder Consulting during 3+ years to grow the application and successfuly deploy in customers. Was a small team of no more than 5 developers, working closely with the CTO and I was the Tech Lead.

Plataforma Integrada de Risco Duxus


This platform is a suite of systems to enable Banks to manage their assets porfolio risk, after/before credit concession risk and comply with regulatory laws in Brazil. I worked with Élin Duxus for 10+ years, from intern and employee #1 to leading the team of 10-12 developers building, maintaining and growing the systems.